The Chase to Jesus

It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Oh, what a glorious fall day! I had just packed up and hit the road, headed out west for Thanksgiving with my in-laws. This was a solo drive, as my husband had been working out west for a few months helping knock out some fence projects for our old boss. As I often do when I am alone, I talked to God. So many things have been flooding my heart recently, that surely a six hour drive would allow God enough time to give me all the answers, right?

As I pushed on down the road trying to beat nightfall, I just kept talking. I’m sure I talked God’s ear off, asking Him for the answers to so many things in my life. When He spoke, He spoke clearer then I knew God can speak. He spoke in the form of a semi I was coming up on passing. As I watched the road and squinted at the semi I thought to myself, “Man that looks like a cross on the back of that semi!” As my car crept closer and closer, it became clearer and clearer… it indeed was a cross on the back! What are the odds, right? Just as I was asking God for answers I drive up on this semi? I pull in the left land, ready to pass and in bright red letters wrote across the semi is one word: Jesus!

Okay, God, I see You. I hear You. Instantly words for another blog post flooded into my head - oddly enough, not this one - but that’s a post for another time. But what is a blog post without a picture? How could I write this story without the exact semi to showcase what I am talking about? Miles passed and I became bummed I didn’t have the picture to go with the words. Maybe I could draw it, I thought. Then I humbled myself by remembering I have absolutely zero artistic ability. I was just going to have to paint the picture of the semi through my words.

A few miles ahead I pulled off to the truck stop to stretch my legs and thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, the semi will pull off and I could get a picture then. No luck. I hopped back on the interstate, slightly disappointed, still fixated on getting a picture when another thought crossed my mind. Since i passed the semi once, if I continue at the speed I was prior to stopping I should be able to pass it again, so long as the semi did not exit elsewhere.

I set my cruise and mile by mile, eagerness to find this semi flooded my entire being. Then it dawned on me, I, in a sense, was chasing Jesus. I yearned for Jesus in that moment. Solely focused on getting to Jesus. The goodness that would come from Him and from this story if only I could reach Him! And I did, I found Jesus. I caught up to Him, and as I sat in the driver’s seat ready to take the picture for the world to see, I envisioned a world where everyone chased Jesus the way I just had.

In today’s world so many of us get caught up in constantly seeking all our worldly wants and desires. In hard times, we search for things in this world to take the hard away. When in reality, in any situation, good or bad, we should all be fighting for our Heavenly needs.

There is only one true thing that will show us real life-giving happiness to guide us through our hard times. Only one thing will write an incredibly beautiful story that no human or thing on Earth can do for us - He goes by Jesus. He goes by God. He goes by Father.

Jesus wants us to chase Him, to find Him, to find the beautiful life He has in store for us. So brothers and sisters, go out and chase Him. Chase Him with all you’ve got! Never give up, and I promise He will create something far beyond anything we could imagine for ourselves.

Luke 11:9-10 says, “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knows, the door will be opened.”


